My Role: Creative Lead (ideation, copy, creative direction)
Agency: Mindshare
Awards: 2021 Telly Silver Winner, Immersive & Mixed Reality - Use of Interactivity
The strategy behind this idea is one of my favorites. The logic was that artists, like the cereal, have multifaceted personalities or varied flavor profiles (cinnamon and sugar). Sometimes, it’s just a matter of what you're in the mood for. Ergo a choose-your-own adventure music video where users could choose different paths to explore this cereal-mayhem-fueled universe.

We repositioned this idea for Cinnamon Toast Crunch based on their brief to “hack boredom among tweens''. The idea of a CYOA music video filled with Cinnamoji absurdity (a.k.a. psychedelic pieces of animated cereal) was of course fun and wild, but the real MVP was the full RBG dissent email convincing the client that Gen Z WMG pop-punk band Meet Me @ The Altar was the absolute move for this campaign. Well, for once, they took our advice and thus we made this very cool music video.